Unblocking your Blocked Drains

Blocked drains are a common occurrence in almost every household. Most of the time, blocked drains are not caused by anything too serious and can be fixed relatively easily. However, if not taken care of quickly, it may cause more serious issues. Luckily, there are many ways to prevent and fix blocked drains regardless of the severity. click here

How do drains get blocked?

Drains get blocked because of a build up of debris, dirt, grease or foreign objects that have been flushed down the pipes. Hair is one of the most common causes of blocked drains as it gets caught on the edge of the pipes and accumulates over time, leading to blockage. In some cases, the roots of trees or plants can also grow into the pipes causing an obstruction.

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Signs for Blockage in Drains

A blocked drain can often be identified by a few common signs. The most obvious sign is a gurgling sound coming from the pipes. This is caused by air bubbles being forced through the blockage and could indicate an issue. Another indication can be water backing up in the sink or bathtub when the toilet is flushed or when you are running the tap. If you notice any of these signs, then it is best to take action right away.

Tips to Fix a Blocked Drain

One of the easiest methods of fixing a blocked drain is to pour boiling water down the pipes. This can help to break down any greasy substances that are causing the obstruction. Sometimes plunging the drain with a plunger can also be effective at removing the blockage. To do this, make sure that the plunger cup is completely sealed against the pipe and then push and pull several times to create suction.

Call a Professional Plumber

If you are unable to unblock the drain using any of the methods mentioned above, then it’s best to call a professional plumber. They will be able to use specialist equipment such as high-pressure water jets or electric eels to break through the blockage. In some cases, they may even need to remove parts of the pipes to gain access to the problem area.

Prevention is Better than Cure

No matter how clogged up your drains may seem, prevention is better than cure when it comes to dealing with blocked drains. Simple ways of preventing blockages include using strainers in sinks and baths to catch hair, wiping down surfaces after cooking to avoid grease buildup, and regularly checking gutters and downpipes for leaves and other debris. Additionally, if you have a septic tank, click here to find out what it needs to run smoothly.

If you have tried all of the tips above and your drains remain blocked, then it’s best to contact a professional plumber who can help to diagnose and solve the issue. With the right advice and guidance, you can ensure that your drains are kept clear and functioning properly.