Disaster Data Recovery Options are Open Now

If the damage has first occurred and ransomware has blocked access to the company’s files, it is important to get up and running again as soon as possible. Generally, it is recommended that you do not pay to get the files released. On the one hand, one cannot be sure that one gets anything out of paying, and secondly, it will only encourage the IT-criminals to continue their activities.

A good backup laid outside the company’s network can help some of the ways. However, a backup is not suitable for restoring data quickly and will often be completed, e.g., at night, so that all work, emails, and documents created after the backup are lost. In the facebook process, this is very true.

A disaster recovery plan can help faster. Disaster recovery is similar to a backup, but the difference lies in the fact that it is a snapshot of your entire company’s IT environment. The snapshot thus includes both data and system files. This ‘snapshot’ can, for example, be taken once an hour so that it always has the latest data. The snapshot can be quickly deployed, and you can have your company’s IT up and running within hours rather than several days.

Web traffic filter

A filter on corporate web traffic can block access to web pages associated with malware, including ransomware. A web filter can be set up quickly, but of course, only protects against already known threats.

data recovery philadelphia


As the scale of the latest attack illustrates, it can be difficult to prevent an attack. Therefore, it is important to limit the damage caused by an attack. There are currently a number of different solutions that, in different ways, seek to stop attacks with ransomware before they get hold of. At the IT department, they offer all customers the solution Last Line of Defense which monitors the company’s file systems and warns if it detects that a ransomware attack is in progress. This can stop the attack before it gets started, and the damage is reduced.

These are just some of the steps you can take to protect your business. No systems can be 100% safe, but by implementing the above measures, you can at least get a little out of the way. You need to know more about how to secure your systems can help you analyze your systems and help you choose the best security solutions for your business.

How to protect yourself against ransomware

First of all, it is clear that no one is immune to attacks with ransomware. Everyone can, in a moment’s distraction, click on a wrong link, or open a document with a virus. Moreover, when a virus uses a vulnerability in a system to copy itself, it can be difficult to protect its systems. However, there are a number of actions that can reduce the risk of an attack or mitigate the worst injuries.

Avoid open wireless networks

If a wireless network is not encrypted, a network hacker can see what everyone else is sending. For example, even if you only use an open wireless network at a café to view a web page, your phone, tablet, or computer may be downloading a mail in the background. It will allow an attacker to intercept the password for your mail account. The wireless networks you use should be protected by WPA or WPA2 or better encryption.